label2 Matlab Graph Axis Tick | Plot Advanced Edit1 Matlab Graph Axis Tick | Plot Advanced Edit1 When you draw a graph, the x-axis value or y-axis value is sometimes expressed in a way that you don't like. For example, suppose you have the following graph. The x-axis data is marked 'x10^4.' It is not easy to understand them at a glance. Similarly, the y-axis is also marked 'x10^-3' and is not satisfactory. Therefore, we want to attach k to the x-.. 2020. 9. 24. Matlab Plot Function, Basic and Useful Tips Matlab Plot Function, Basic and Useful Tips the flower of Matlab is drawing a graph. I will share the codes I use often, so please freely scrape them and correct them. 1. Basic Code %% Setting dt = 0.0001; % time step t = 0:dt:0.08; % time V = 220*sin(2*pi*60*t); % Data %% Plot plot(t,V) I drew 220V, 60Hz voltages for explanation. The dt in the second line is the time step of the graph, which is.. 2020. 9. 24. 이전 1 다음 반응형